Български цитатен индекс (версия 2.4) Български English

Исторически бележки върху проблема относно вземането за лихва Назад

Език: Български
Държава: България
ISSN: 1310-7348
Автор: Светослав Пиронев
Заглавие на статия: Исторически бележки върху проблема относно вземането за лихва
Паралелно заглавие: The problem of the nature of interest in historical perspective
Заглавие на списание: Правна мисъл
Том: 61
Година: 2020
Книжка: 1
Страници: 3-19
Научна област: Социални, стопански и правни науки
Научно направление: Право
Ключови думи: Interest; concepts of interest; historical overview of interests; interest rates
Интернет адрес: ipn_ban@bas.bg
Резюме: The aim of this article is to outline the main concepts of interest as the natural law theory, the interest in Roman law, the scholastic theory and the first economic theories. Different legislations will be examined in the context of these concepts of interest.

Цитирани публикации

ID Заглавие  
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Иван Александрович Базанов
2785 The Law of Obligations : Roman foundations of the civilian tradition. Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd., 1992, с. 167-168
Reinhard Zimmermann
2786 The Law of Obligations : Roman foundations of the civilian tradition. Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd., 1992, с. 155
Reinhard Zimmermann
2787 Римско частно право. София: Софи-Р, 1992, с. 341-342
Михаил Николов Андреев
2788 The Law of Obligations : Roman foundations of the civilian tradition. Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd., 1992, с. 182
Reinhard Zimmermann
2789 Usury and the Common Good. - В: Journal of Vincentian Social Action, 3, 2018, 2, Art. 5,
Jim Wishloff
2790 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 8
John H. Munro
2791 A history of interest rates. Hoboken,: Wiley, 2005, с. 18
Sidney Hamer Richard Sylla
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Richard Sylla Sidney Hamer
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A. Hingston Quiggin
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Hesham M. Sharawy,
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Hesham M. Sharawy,
2807 The Scholastic Analysis of Usury. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1957, с. 21
John Thomas Noonan
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J Vincent
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Michael A. Hoffman
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Michael A. Hoffman
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Jim Wishloff
2812 The Scholastic Analysis of Usury. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1957, с. 15
John Thomas Noonan
2813 The Scholastic Analysis of Usury. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1957, с. 32-33
John Thomas Noonan
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Йоан Златоуст
2815 A history of interest rates. London: Wiley, 2005, с. 4
Sidney Hamer Richard Sylla
2816 Capital and Interest . A critical history of economical theory . translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 22
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2817 Historical, Religious and Scholastic Prohibition of Usury : The Common Origins of Western and Islamic Financial Practices of Usury : The Common Origns of Western and Islamic Financial Practicesn. London: Без издателство, 2014, с. 32
J Vincent
2818 The Scholastic Analysis of Usury. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1957, с. 36
John Thomas Noonan
2819 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 9
John H. Munro
2820 Capital and Interest . A critical history of economical theory . translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.,. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 20
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2821 The mediaeval contractum trinius and the law of partnership. - В: Fundamina, 13, 2007, 2, с.33-49
J. J. Henning
2822 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 7-8
John H. Munro
2823 Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury. - В: Cardozo Law Rewiew, 30, 2008, 2, с.570
Brian M. McCall
2824 Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury. - В: Cardozo Law Rewiew, 30, 2008, 2, с.571
Brian M. McCall
2825 The Law of Obligations : Roman foundations of the civilian tradition. Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd., 1992, с. 834-827
R Zimmermann Reinhard Zimmermann
2826 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 9
John H. Munro
2827 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 8
John H. Munro
2828 A history of interest rates. London: Wiley, 2005, с. 71-72
Sidney Hamer Richard Sylla
2829 Capital and interest. A critacal history of economical theory. Translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 26
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2830 Capital and interest. A critical history of economical theory. Translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 26-27
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2831 Capital and interest. A critical history of economical theory. Translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 29-32
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2832 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 13
John H. Munro
2833 Capital and interest. A critical history of economical theory. Translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 40
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2834 Capital and interest. A critical history of economical theory. Translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 64
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2835 Capital and interest. A critacal history of economical theory. Translated with a preface analysis by William Smart, M. A.. London: Macmillan and co , 1890, с. 70-77
Eugen Ritter von Böhm-Bawerk
2836 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 15
John H. Munro
2837 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England : from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution. Toronto: Без издателство, 2011, с. 19
John H. Munro
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Glyn Davies
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Reinhard Zimmerman