Език: |
Държава: |
0861-1815 |
Автор: |
Милен Митев Велушев
Заглавие на статия: |
Играе ли честно държавата? Анализ на предизвестената смърт на "Корпоративна търговска банка" АД и последствията от нея |
Паралелно заглавие: |
Contemporary law |
Заглавие на списание: |
Съвременно право
Том: |
29 |
Година: |
2018 |
Книжка: |
2 |
Страници: |
96-121 |
Научна област: |
Социални, стопански и правни науки
Научно направление: |
Ключови думи: |
management board of BNB, Corporate commercial bank AD, special supervision, supremacy of law, helicopter money, inefficiency of resources |
Интернет адрес: |
Резюме: |
This scientific research is occasioned by De-cision No. 2 of the year 2018 of the Constitu-tional Court on constitutional case No. 8 of theyear 2017. The subject matter of the said consti-tutional case is the establishment of unconstitu-tionality of the Parliamentary act of non-accep-tance of the resignation submitted by a deputy.The analysis concerns the submission of a resig-nation by a natural person who is holding the po-sition of a single-member State body or a memberof a collective body within the system of Stateauthority. The fundamental thesis of the exposi-tion is that the single-member State bodies andthe members of collective State bodies hold theiroffice on the basis of an individual employmentrelationship. In the prevailing number of cases thesaid employment relationship arises on thegrounds of an election. In certain State bodies –those created under the mixed system – the em-ployment relationship arises from an election forsome members, while for others it arises on thegrounds of an individual administrative act. The fact that, along with the employment relation-ship, there also exists a relationship that belongsto another legal branch – constitutional branch,administrative branch, etc. – does not change thelegal conclusion that has been made. The submis-sion of a resignation constitutes unilateral termi-nation of the elective employment relationship onthe part of the respective person. It is his/hersubjective converting right |