Български цитатен индекс (версия 2.4) Български English

Библиотеката – бъдеще в миналото, минало в бъдещето: Тържествено академично слово по повод 24 май, Денят на славянската писменост, българската просвета и култура, прочетено в аулата на Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски", 2010 г. Назад

Език: Български
Държава: България
ISSN: 1313-4256
Автор: Александър Георгиев Димчев
Заглавие на статия: Библиотеката – бъдеще в миналото, минало в бъдещето: Тържествено академично слово по повод 24 май, Денят на славянската писменост, българската просвета и култура, прочетено в аулата на Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски", 2010 г.
Паралелно заглавие: Libraries – Future in the Past, the Past in the Future
Том: 3
Година: 2011
Страници: 7
Научна област: Социални, стопански и правни науки
Научно направление: Обществени комуникации и информационни науки
Ключови думи:
Интернет адрес: https://research.uni-sofia.bg/bitstream/10506/462/3/Godishnik_BIN_2011.pdf
Резюме: The paper Libraries - Future in the Past, the Past in the Future was presented on the occasion of May 24th the Day of Slav Letters, Bulgarian Education and Culture in the Hall of the St. Clement Ohridski University of Sofia in 2010, as the official academic speech of Associate Professor Alexander Dimchev, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. This is an attempt to present the idea of the library from antiquity to the present day. What were sought were projections in the past and their impact in different times over the trends of change in present day libraries. The author shares the view that past events, their accumulation and extrapolation are a bridge to the future. Considering the transformations and expectations towards libraries, they are it is in line with the ideas of one the eminent specialist in the field of management, Peter Drucker, who has stated: „The future is something that can be seen in advance. It has already occurred, as it is the outcome of events and impacts which have occurred which outline the scenario for the subsequent occurrences and models”. For over 5 000 years libraries have preserved the memory of humanity. They have passed through various metamorphoses - they have been deified, destroyed, they have come back to life from ashes, yet remained the basis of civilization and culture. Owing to libraries, out of the 6 000 known languages of various peoples those that have survived are only those with a script. Today libraries are behind the „wonder of internet”. As a result of accumulated experience in the organization principles, search, structuring and presentation of information resources, libraries with good reason can be defined as a basis of new information technologies, where they are accumulated and extrapolated. In the first years of the new millennium libraries faced a number of challenges, changes and serious competition.

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