Български цитатен индекс (версия 2.4) Български English

Legitimation of Law by a Theory of Sources of Law? On the Current Relevance of Savigny's Theory of Sources of Law Назад

Език: Български
Държава: България
ISSN: none
Автор: Annette Brockmoeller
Заглавие на статия: Legitimation of Law by a Theory of Sources of Law? On the Current Relevance of Savigny's Theory of Sources of Law
Паралелно заглавие:
Заглавие на списание: Sources of Law and Legislation, International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR)
Година: 1998
Страници: 44
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